The Snot Nazis

From Louisville Punk/Hardcore History
Revision as of 05:37, 20 September 2005 by Flexyournoggin (talk | contribs)

While not really a band full of national-Socialist white power nazis, these guys kicked up as much tension and drama as though they were. They (almost completely Wingnut) had very vocal opinions (however unfounded) about Brat Magazine and The Brycc House (for which they still have not been able to apologize for/live down), taking pot shots at Brat and the Brycc at every chance. Very curious considering that Wingnut used to be a part of Brat, only turning his back when he found new friends.

The controversy over them increased a hundredfold when real Nazis started coming to their shows - not because the Snot Nazis sang about white power, but just because of their name and because the real nazis were looking to recruit punks. Using a familiar strategy of promising underage kids free beer and booze and access to guns and the like, one member was persuaded to move into an apartment with one of the nazis, just a week or so before it was raided by the cops and everyone arrested. That was more than enough to convince said member not to stay into any of that crap, yet the fact that he gave in just a little made most people that knew him or knew of him go into total hate mode.

The controversy about whether they were really nazis or not kept on, only strengthened by the aforementioned brief flirtation with the dark side, and the band couldn't deal with it, playing their last show in early 2001, most likely at Pandamonium, as that is where most of their shows were at. All of the members now (as of 2004) wish all this stuff was either far behind them, or wish it never happened, as they look back and realize that they were not thinking at all.

Members went on to skateboard lots, drink too much, or join The Sickies.


Releases: available through e-mail-


  • None

Shirts/Merch: available through e-mail (hand painted, pre-paid only)