Wizard Steve

From Louisville Punk/Hardcore History
Revision as of 02:30, 5 December 2005 by Flexyournoggin (talk | contribs)

Wizard Steve is Louisville's magical punk/hardcore cheerleader. He shows up every couple of months to dance hard, cast spells, and freak out stoic fashion dorks that will stand there with arms crossed trying as hard as they can to act like he's not freak dancing right in front of them.

Memorable sightings of this being include:

  • A pre-Kodan Armada show kickball game/cookout in July 2002 where he almost passed out from heat exhaustion. Apparently, he knows absolutely no self-healing spells.
  • The American Nightmare/Black Widows/blahblahblah show at the Brycc House in 2002. He jumped forth to the crowd during the Widow's set, eliciting little to no response from the crowd, but a hearty cheer from the band, who was understandably quite excited to see the famed "Wizard Mosh".
  • Appearing momentarily... like a shimmering specter of the unknown... at a random Beer And Fishsticks Night giving the gift that kept giving... "Metal Butter Sandwiches" (scientific analysis concludes that these sandwiches were nothing more than peanut butter mounted inbetween 2 slices of Rainbow Bread).
  • A Bane/Cursed show in Indianapolis. One of the best pictures has the Wiz doing gang vocals and half the crowd just looking at him in a very puzzled way instead of also singing along. A few were straight up pointing and laughing. A couple were very angry for some reason.
