Xerxes:Sleepwalking With You

From Louisville Punk/Hardcore History
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When you hit the water,
I hardly knew. 
When the sunlight changed, 
through the waves, you say, 
there was a song it sang. 

I still say 
I could see what you saw that day. 
How the lights were so different,
but felt the same. 

Maybe I could hear you scream, 
I still have that dream, 
I’m still sleepwalking, 
my feet wet in the stream.

It starts at your fists, 
under your clutch, 
but it escapes and ends up, 
at the place between your shoulders 
that I never touch.

Before I left I said, 
Nothing can stay. 
You know the past has a way 
of breaking up these days 
into pieces that never fit quite the same. 
But I’ll hold this together 
even with the edges frayed.

I could feel my fingers graze 
the air your lips betray. 
Like a dying flame, 
screaming with smoke 
until it fades 
for that feeling when you're alone, 
its a cloud that surrounds, 
and it holds you now 
because I don’t.

And when I wrote, 
I hoped love would save you, 
I meant mine. 
And I dragged my palms
through the gulf of your dreams,
just hoping your song would play for me too. 
And when i wrote,
I hoped love would save you,
I meant mine.
And I dragged my palms
through the gulf of your dreams
hoping your song would play for me.
And when I wrote, 
I still feel alone, 
you were watching me write,
I just didn’t know.