
From Louisville Punk/Hardcore History

Erchint: shinplaster. Lyrics copyright Matt Watkins and Erchint.

Please believe every word I say. Every lie I deliver with care. My need for you to be faithful to me outweighs my need to be honest with you. You're in my grasp. Good lucky ggetting out. You know the truth but, you eternal look away. No need to leave, you can drink your fill of the lies and bullshit I keep pushing your way. I'm chameleon. I change all the words I say to fit the situation as need dictates me. I'll tell you everything you wanted to hear. "I won't throw you away". My life like paper; my head creates the ink. Your ears are the vehicle for my untruth to invade. Your life's a blackboard for me to erase. Then use my forked tongue to rewrite the score. Please surrenger to me the life you once had, knowing full well what you become of you. I counterfeit you a new identity- the person you wanted to be all along.