Five Hours:Peanut Butter & Jelly

From Louisville Punk/Hardcore History

Five Hours - Peanut Butter + Jelly. Music - Jaha. Words - Jaha, Shell

I am a piece of bread witha plan at my local club med whole wheat with a little touch of Greek all ready for you to eat. I've gone through so many cold cuts I've been toasted I lost my crust for another I hoped and prayed then I met you PB&J. I went down town to the middle of the city to rack em up all night. She was there standing looking purdy w/ her eyes like stars so bright she had more toppings than a BLT she's no one I'd bring around the FLC PB+J I knew a girl named Philly Cream Cheese she came to visit from up North East I could have sworn she was the one for me but she fell for my best friend bologna and cheese. I went downtown to the middle of the city to rok and knock em down she was there standing looking pretty not trendy like the fashion crowd.