From Louisville Punk/Hardcore History

Idiot Village is the side-project of Instant Camera frontman Neil Dez and the singer for Weapons Schneider M.D. It began in the summer of 05' with Schneider and Dez laying down humourous tracks about strange sex and sex with strangers. The project progressed to slightly more serious songs about poop, love, and wife beating. A release is expected sometime in '06 and keep an eye out for appearances on compilations.

Neil Dez- keyboard, percussion, bass, vocals, mouth drums, tambourine, melotron, organ, guitar, bass, various synth, gunshots

Schneider M.D.- accoustic guitar, vocals, evil soundz, some percussion, rappin' on the triizack, organ, various synth, chimes, morracas, gongs--i.e. Pet Sounds Brian Wilson magic