
From Louisville Punk/Hardcore History
Pflanz: Demo
Record Label: self released
Recorded By: Ramcat studios
Released: 1999
Out of Print: yes
Formats: cassette

Side A:

Side B:

Thanxxx to the following: Our families, The Deathsquad (Travis, Doug, Denise, Loy, Mickie, Amanda, Jessica, Josh, Adele, and Brandilyn), Evelyn Jones, Katie May, Big Aus shank-shank, Clay and Phat/Needles, Ben Ramcat, Ed and Ground Zero, Jim D., ISA, Phil Slaught, Mark Fulkerson, Jason Fagon, Crystal, Jake, Jessica, Jamie, Matt Robear, Jesse Tipton, Jeff Hood, Josh Ziegler, Red, Billy Trinkle, Brad Reardon, Subsist, Onslaught (RIP), All Is Lost, Forthright, Buried Alive, Brother's Keeper, Unfulfilled, ARMBAR, Empyrean, Sunday Evening Dinner Club, and to anyone forgotten, we'll cath you on the full length.

PFLANZ: Charlie - bass Chris - guitar Jeff - guitar Mike - drums Steve - voxxx

PFLANZ c/o Steve Garrett 3914 Bank St., Louisville, KY 40212

With Raised Fist, Violence justified, Portrait of Perfection recorded 8-11-98 @ Ramcat
No Foundation, was Set On Forever recorded 12-2-98 @ Ramcat