Talk:The French

Discussion page of The French
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At the Sean Garrison & The Five Finger Discount CD release show on March 18th, 2005, The French set up and played during the FFD set... here are Sean Garrison's recolections of what happened:

Two of the guys from the local band Lords have a "side project" that is sort of like if Andy Kaufmann played "rock" instead of turned into Tony Clifton. They will set up on stage unannounced -and unbooked- during a regular show and then start playing until the crowd FORCES them to quit. Well, last night they set up *in the middle of the floor* and did their thing DURING our set!! At first I thought some people were fucking with us by playing a bunch of marching band drums- so I ran back there and there they were.... THE FRENCH. They are called The French because Chris and Stan wear berets, draw pencil-thin mustaches on their lips and wear scarves around their necks when they play. They play ONE RIFF and one riff only. It's actually quite brilliant when you think about it. But, it's only brilliant when you do it ON STAGE. NOT WHEN ANOTHER BAND IS PLAYING. Especially my band. So, after I threw their drums around so there would be a big finish I climbed back on stage and the little bastards started again!!!! Okay- if you wanna play rough, I'll play rough. I just charged Chris and started swinging for his face. His guitar neck and his left arm saved him from a trip to the emergency room. I landed one good one, and I was pulling back for the murder stroke when everyone kepot screaming my goddamn name so I turned around, thinking the other Frenchman, Stan, would be behind me. I pulled back my hand and it was only friends all around. I am glad Chris didn't get hurt bad.

The only reason I'm pissed is that we were throwing down pretty hard, and it was hard to build the steam back up for me afterwards. For some reason I couldn't get into the music again until the end of the set. Was I being thin-skinned? I don't think so, because they started back up after I put an end to it the first time.

The crowd thought it was staged, and that is probably why they didn't unplug them themselves. They were just watching. It was so strange, because when I ran back there the crowd parted like the red sea. It really did seem staged. It wasn't. When Chris fell backwards with his guitar I was about to stomp him into almond butter. Well, they certainly have balls, and I am considering very extreme measures of revenge. Of course, I probably will just let it all lie, since I am too old for such things.

But I am never going to be too old to be my own bouncer. Also, somebody threw a piece of french bread (handed out by The French)and hit Daryl in the face. I guess it was sort of funny, but then again it isn't. Every time I try to relax, just play music and try to be a nice guy people just gotta start some shit. Well this is my message- all we wanna do is throw down. If you come to my show and throw stuff at me, or interrupt my set I promise you, I will harm you. For everyone else who came out...THANK YOU. THANK YOU. THANK YOU.