Sapat is a revolving door group, currently moving in a more structured format but previously was significantly more improvised...many folks played and they all played many instruments so I'm sure this is a very incomplete list. Currently it seems like when it's a larger more open improvised format they perform as Kark and include more of the past members (I think the largest group was 28 members strong!). I've helped them edit a variety of live performances down to a manageable length so I'd expect some of this to start rolling out in releases but only time will tell. - Connor
Current Members
- Dominic Cipolla - percussion, vocals
- Kris Abplanalp - guitar, bass clarinet
- Christopher Wunderlich - guitar, vocals
- Aaron Rosenblum - guitar, vocals
- Alan Kalowe - percussion, saxophone
- Steve Good - saxophone, bass clarinet
- David Sauter - upright bass
- Lowe Sutherland - hand drums, ukelele, guitar
Past Members
- Brad Bell - electronics
- Josh Shapero - saxophone
- Axel Cooper - bass
- Pete Nolan - percussion, synth, guitar, drums
- Dan Willems - saxophone
- Heather Floyd - trumpet
- Tony (from the Belgian Waffles) - various horns
- Mel (sometimes in the Belgian Waffles) - bass clarinet
- Craig McClurkin - saxophone
- Norman Minogue - theremin, short wave radio
- Mike French - electronics
- Spooky - percussion
- Rob Maggart - guitar, rhodes
- Eddie Campbell - saxophone
- Troy Powers - upright bass
- Joee Conroy - cello
- Joey Yates - drums, percussion
- Matthew Mason - drums
- Seed and Surgery - Live performance split CD with the SB
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