Talk:Bryan Volz

Discussion page of Bryan Volz
Revision as of 20:13, 16 October 2004 by Flexyournoggin (talk | contribs)

My first show was an enkindel show on the back of a flatbed trailer at the Skate Station on Frankfort Ave. in late '94(?). My dumb ass was running around not knowing what was going on, and asking "is this endpoint?!?!" because I loved their first tape and especially the song "Dignity". I ended up recognizing "Soiled" from hearing it on Sell Out Louisville Style and flipping out because I loved that too. The next show I went to saw Chad from Out flying off the stage like superman into some crowd heckler and them fighting for what seemed like an eternity. Between the unpredictablility, the rampant emotional release, and the intelligent critiques of ourselves and the society around us, I came to find something that would help me grow immensely as a person and learn to love others as well as my self. And it's kept me alive with every beat of my heart. I love punk rock. - Bryan Volz