By The Grace Of God:3 Steps Anthology

From Louisville Punk/Hardcore History
Revision as of 01:52, 17 October 2004 by Flexyournoggin (talk | contribs)
By The Grace Of God]:3 Steps to a better democracy
3 Steps anthology cover
Record Label: Initial Records
Recorded By: various
Released: 1st availibility: October 16th 2004
In Stores: November 2004.
Out of Print: NO! GO GET IT! NOW!
Formats: CD. 2000? pressed

Track Listing:

As this CD just came out in Louisville (well, if you were at the reunion show), and the CD will not be available until a few weeks from now for everyone else, i'm leaving the liner notes out for now. Someone could just burn a copy and check here for the liner notes, but I'd suggest going and buying this magnificent CD - Bryan Volz