Son of Dog

From Louisville Punk/Hardcore History
Revision as of 11:22, 8 June 2024 by Doodlehound (talk | contribs)
SOD Stats
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Record Labels: Better Days Records, Bung International
Started By: Roach, Greg, Jason, Vic
Based In: Louisville
First show: Sometime 1993
Largest show: 600+ (The Machine)
Last show: ?
Reunion show: September 4 & 5 2010
Number of Members: 4

One of the first grind core bands in Louisville to reach a decent level of success. Their theme song, "Gargling Pus" brought them much attention locally and internationally through the distribution efforts of guitar player, Roach's label Bung International.


Reunion Lineup


  • Farce 7'ep
  • Embrace 7' ep
  • Split w/ Schnauzer


  • ?

External Links