
From Louisville Punk/Hardcore History
Revision as of 12:01, 19 September 2009 by Hehatesthesecans (talk | contribs)
Crestfallen Stats
File:Crestfallen logo.jpg
Record Labels: N/A
Started By: Big Ken
Based In: Louisville
Largest show: ?
First show: ?
Last show: summer 2003
Reunion show: N/A
Number of Members: lots

Metal with hardcore, dance/pop overtones existing from 1998 to 2003... very popular in all circles, in all walks ok life. Members went on to such bands as Abcise, Kodan Armada, Cosmonaut, Roman Half Death and Breather Resist. Gave out lots of free stickers. Sold shirts that were much too large for almost anyone to wear.

A demo recording is available at

Members: Final Lineup:

Past members:


  • Demo CD (self released)
  • 2 Song Demo (self released)
  • 6 Song CD


  • None
Crestfallen At The Brycc House


  • ?