Landmark Recordings

From Louisville Punk/Hardcore History
Revision as of 10:59, 6 December 2004 by Roman.grey (talk | contribs)

Jeremy Irvin started Landmark Records began in November 1999, changing it two months later to Landmark Recordings upon learning of an Arkansas label with the same name. As Irvin tells it, "The band I play in, Second Story Man, did a recording with Kevin Ratterman, of Elliott. We were planning to put out a split EP with The Helgeson Story (R.I.P.), but couldn't find a label to back us." Irvin thought of starting his own record label. He continued, "I figured the first release was already finished, aside from manufacturing and distributing the CD." Brandon Skipworth, of Noise Pollution, helped him get started and shrink-wrapped some of the finished products. With a January 2000 release as Landmark Recordings' LMR MILE 01, Irvin recalled, "The first release, titled Stories, included two songs by Second Story Man and two songs by The Helgeson Story." The roster includes Second Story Man, Your Black Star, Blue Goat War and Elephant Micah, as well as having released material by some bands now in the indie graveyard: Paden, V.Sirin, Grand Prize. Landmark also co-released the compilation "Louisville is for Lover 2002" which included tracks from My Morning Jacket, Elliott, Tara Jane O'neil, Vhs or Beta, Love Jones, Party Girls, Second Story Man, Monkey Boy, The Slow Suicide, Paden, Starkiller, Seluah, and Team T -Taken from an interview in Louisville Music News, 2003.

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