
From Louisville Punk/Hardcore History
Revision as of 14:31, 22 February 2007 by Flexyournoggin (talk | contribs) (added an mp3, fixed formatting)
Hedge Stats
Hedge logo
Record Labels: Damn Entertainment, Three Little Girls
Started By: Dave, Greg, Ryan and a scum-rocker named Phil something
Based In: Louisville
Largest show: 1000+ people
First show: in Middletown at some girl's 16th birthday party
Last show: Anti-Curfew show w/ Four Rose Society & Metroschifter - 1997 @ Jefferson Square downtown.
Reunion show: The last show WAS a reunion show. It won't happen again.
Number of Members: 15 or so. (We had a slew of drummers in the early days.)

While other bands were still trying to sound like Mouthpiece, Slint, or any other number of "bigger name" bands, Hedge jumped out and took the town by storm. Mixing together hardcore styles with more laid back almost jazzy parts, and even using a trombone at times, they stuck out of the crowd, and are one of those bands that years later, few show going kids know, but should learn up on.





