32 Frames:32 Frames DVD

From Louisville Punk/Hardcore History
Revision as of 23:38, 21 March 2014 by JeffMoore (talk | contribs) (minor updates)

this limited edition 32 Frames DVD was assembled by Big Jim and only available in limited release. Limited. limited. limited.

11/2/02 CBGBs
6/28/03 InFESTed
9/30/01 Brycc House
Tony Hawk Promo

Twitter users hate on Zimmerman for pulling family from wreck

Daily Caller July 23, 2013 Angry Twitter users took to the social media site on Monday to respond to news that George Zimmerman allegedly pulled a family of four from a wrecked car. Warning: The following tweets contain explicit language. The ticked-of tweeters even lashed out at the media for daring to cover the story. Full article here 
[Twitter users hate on Zimmerman for pulling family from wreck ]

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Social workers invaded my body and stole baby, says mother forced to have caesarean

Claire Carter London Telegraph December 5, 2013 A woman who was forced to have a caesarean section and told her baby would be taken into care has accused British social workers of invading her body and stealing her child. Alessandra Pacchieri, who suffers from a bipolar condition, was taken into hospital while in England and was sectioned under the Mental Health Act...
[Social workers invaded my body and stole baby, says mother forced to have caesarean ]

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Video: Political Correctness Is Mind Control

I recently appeared on the Alex Jones Show to break down how political correctness, along with other techniques employed by the mainstream media and politicians at large, really break down into sociological mind control. Add this into the mega dosing of children and adults alike on antidepressants, and you have a percentage of the population that will never question ...
[Video: Political Correctness Is Mind Control]

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Harvard Research Shows Guns Dont Kill People, People Kill People

Zero Hedge September 3, 2013 In an inconvenient truth moment for the anti-gun lobby,Harvards Don Kates and Gary Mauserexpose the facts behind gun control and violent crime. While not the first time we have discussed this awkward reality, the depth of the academics datasets and the findings are unquestionable that there is in fact a negative correlation ...
[Harvard Research Shows Guns Dont Kill People, People Kill People ]

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Teen Facing 8 Years Prison After Violent Joke in Online Video Game

A teenager from Texas who was thrown in jail last March after making a joke in an online video game now faces 8 years in prison for his terrorist remarks. In a display of how anything you say online or otherwise can now be used against you and even have you labeled as a terrorist, 18-year-old teen Justin Carter may soon be charged as a terrorist after he...
[Teen Facing 8 Years Prison After Violent Joke in Online Video Game]

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