
From Louisville Punk/Hardcore History
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Record Labels: Slamdek, Automatic Wreckords Restless Records
Started By: Will Chatham, Jon Cook, Tim Furnish, Drew Daniel.
Based In: Louisville
Largest show: 2000+ people @ Bogart's in Cincinnatti
First show: 6/2/1989
Last show: Dec.29,1996 at The Sugar Doe Cafe (the first show atThe Sugar Doe Cafe)
Reunion show: N/A
Number of Members: 10
Booking: The Original Bitch

Crain was at the forefront of Louisville's noise/indie scene and recieved a bit of attention nationwide (although not as much as say, Rodan) partially due to recording with people such as Steve Albini in Chicago. But with that said, it's not to slight several phenomenal records that the band put under it's belt, most notably the rare (until the recent reissue) Speed and the Heater album.

The name "Crain" was reportedly a nod towards some of the members previous band (Cerebellum) as Crain was to refer to your "Crainium". The bird "Crane" had nothing to do with it. Member Jon Cook has ranted and raved for years about putting the band back together, sometimes with the same name, sometimes under another "brain" related name, but either way, it's unlikely that he'd ever work with Tim again. Jon did eventually work with Tim Furnish again playing drums in Parlour) (2006-2010), along with participating in the Cerebellum reunion in 2010. He is on the Parlour Simulacrenfield LP from 2010.

Members went on to Parlour, Matmos, The Soft Pink Truth; and spent time in Undermine, Spot, Cerebellum, Pope Lick, Sunspring, Lead Pennies, Endpoint, 7 More Seconds, and many, many more... (comeon, it's not like I'm going to try to list all of T. Bailey's bands).

Lineup One

Lineup Two - (SPEED LP)

Lineup Three

Lineup Four - (HEATER)

Lineup Five

Lineup Six




  • Atom - black shirts w/ crain in white above a bright illustration of an atom


External Links