Straight Edge Sundays

From Louisville Punk/Hardcore History
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Originally a group of Brycc volunteers and friends hanging out at the Eastern Parkway Denny's after working shows on Sunday nights through 2001-2002. The usual eventual divisions of friendship and people not wanting to hang out at a place where they had to buy something contibuted to it's demise. The name came forth as a play (somewhat) on the CPC's Beer And Fishsticks Night and also because you can't hang out and drink booze in Denny's. The original group ended up being fodder for the momentary monster known as Point To The Doll.

It was briefly ressurected in early 2005 by a group of Straight Edge kids, only to fall apart after a quite literal pissing contest out in the parking lot (see discussion section).

2001-2002 personel:

2005 personel: