
From Louisville Punk/Hardcore History
Record Labels: Third House Communications
Started By: Adam, Gary
Years Active: 2014 - Present
Based In: Louisville
First Show October 23, 2015 at Mag Bar
Last show:
Number of Members: 7

Sludgy hardcore that's loud, chaotic and a bit doomy. Active since 2014 though by 2018 the lineup had drastically changed, with Adam Colvin as the sole original member.


Batwizard would form in the fall of 2014, slowly establishing a lineup that was initially a duo and later a trio. The band's earliest known show would be alongside hardcore punk band I Have A Knife and sludge band Beast In The Field on 23 October 2015, roughly a year after forming. The band would spend the next two years writing songs for their debut album and perform a couple more shows before finally recording in October 2017. The next year on 11 July 2018 the band would debut their first album Medustrich. The band would perform a few weeks later on 28 July 2018, debuting their five-piece lineup.

Since the release of Medustrich the band has performed on a more frequent basis within the Louisville area, sharing the stage with the likes of Spirit Division, Majutsu, Stonecutters, Apostle of Solitude, Toke, Baby Bones and (ohlm) among many others. On 14 January 2020 Batwizard would release a new EP entitled Voidfiend, the band's first release with the current lineup. Original bassist Jesse Simpson would pass away on 31 October 2020, aged 41.

The band would perform more shows throughout 2021 including an appearance at Full Terror Assault that year. In line for a return appearance that next year, the band would release a two-song EP entitled Infest Harvest on 7 September 2022. In 2023 Batwizard would be set to release two 7" vinyl releases: A vinyl edition of "Voidfiend" rebranded as Raised By Wizards to Live Among Heathens and a split with Stonecutters entitled StoneWizard.


Current Lineup

Past Members


  • Medustrich (Studio Album) (2018, Self-Released)
  • Voidfiend (CD EP) (2020, Self-Released)
  • Infest Harvest (Digital EP) (2022, Self-Released)
  • Raised By Wizards To Live Amongst Heathens (7" EP) (2023, Third House Communications)
  • StoneWizard (Split 7" with Stonecutters) (2024, Third House Communications)
  • Whole Bricks (Digital EP; Recorded 2015) (2024, Self-Released)

Associated Acts

External Links