Shut Out Lot

From Louisville Punk/Hardcore History

This parking lot (located off Grinstead Dr. on Everett Ave) is normally used for Highland Baptist Church services but for a few years in the early nineties it was transformed/overtaken into a meeting spot/full-time hangout for various members of Louisville's punk/hardcore scene during '90 - '93. What was so special about this place was that you could go there at any time of the day and someone would be there either by themselves or with a crew of folks waiting for general havoc or freeze tag. Named the "Shut Out Lot" due to the band Shutout's origin in the garage located off of the alley. The band Push Back (soon to be Enkindel) was also formed there evidenced by the "Push Back" logo spray painted on the garage that is still there, perhaps in homage to Jarett Millian who's untimely death in 1995 sealed this location as a landmark of sorts in tribute to those who shared his passion for Louisville punk music and the camaraderie of the times.