
From Louisville Punk/Hardcore History
Revision as of 18:32, 11 November 2004 by Flexyournoggin (talk | contribs)
Lords Stats
lords logo
Record Labels: Initial, Auxiliary, Noise Pollution
Started By: Chris Owens, Stan Doll
Based In: Louisville
Largest show: 600+
Last show: N/A
Reunion show: N/A
Number of Members: 6
Booking: Chris Owens

Hello, shit... we're LORDS.. so suck our fuckin' wizard.
Lords was born to Louisville from the death of The Slow Suicide in late 2002/early 2003. After Jon Ashley left his vocalist position, Andy left to go back to The Glasspack, while Stanimal and Owens continued their passionate love affair by starting Lords, bringing in ex-Suidicer Stephen George and ex-Irnia member Billy Bisig to fill out the hall of kings. After several short tours and much buzz around town, Bisig and George left the band during the recording of the first full length. Stan and Chris continued the recording between themselves, and recruited Patrick Hume to fill the bass position, while Nathan Smallwood briefly joined to fill the empty guitar spot. His first show with the band was in Bloomington, IN, which was also the first show to feature their first full length - The House That Lords Built. Due to touring being a hardship on himself and his family, Nate had to leave, and Chris took up the slack and combined the dual guitar parts into one, and the band embarked on the Maximum Louisville 2004 tour.


Lineup One:

Lineup Two:

Lineup Three:

