Pink Vultures

From Louisville Punk/Hardcore History
Pink Vultures
Years Active: 2014 - 2016
Record Labels:
Started By:
Based In: Louisville
First Show: January 2 2015 at The New Vintage
Last Show: March 11 2016 at The New Vintage
Number of Members: six

Pink Vultures were a band of people from Southern Indiana and Louisville, Ky that recorded an album at TreeHouse audio in Louisville Kentucky. Pink Vultures played a handful of shows and then fizzled. Daryl Sullivan, song writer and vocalist, committed suicide October 15, 2016. A couple of the members would go on to form The Feedback among other acts.

The album was not widely released until the 2020s by Ella Lumpkins via Bandcamp.


Performed With


  • Pink Vultures (EP) (2015)

External Links