Redhanded:City Of Louisville

From Louisville Punk/Hardcore History
Revision as of 21:40, 21 October 2004 by Flexyournoggin (talk | contribs)
Redhanded: Arm In Arm reissue
record cover
Record Label: Closed Casket
Recorded By: Chris Owens at Headbangin' Kill Yo Mama Music
Released: March 2004
Out of Print: yes
Formats: CD - 200 made

Track Listing:

Redhanded was formed in June of 2002. After several months of indecision and drummerless practices, a tight unit began to emerge. Yet only now has the band started to realize its fullest potential with an even tighter lineup. Featuring past and present members of Endpoint, the Vagrants, Biscuit Race, Enkindel, Armbar, Blue Collar Revenge Theory, Bodyhammer, Three Nails For A False Prophet, and many more, the band strives to make hardcore music that harkens back to the energy and sounds of the past while reaching forward to the future.
After a short bought of musical inactivity, guitarist turned vocalist Lee (endpoint, armbar), set out to make hardcore music with a passion for something other than getting laid, or crying about not getting laid. Music with a message, but was fun and not brow-beating. After a short stint in Kayfabe, he took several of those songs and hooked up with Bryan (Thrashasaurus Rex, The Vagrants), and Sam Page (Destined To Fall) to take the project farther. Finally joinging up with Pat (Biscuit Race) and CP (Bodyhammer, BCRT), the band was ready to lay waste to all before them and have built a following in their hometown of Louisville, KY and the surrounding region.
After some time off, Redhanded is back with Lee firmly on vocals and Doug (The Royalty, Cherub Scourge) planted on guitar. Pushing forward with more excitement and energy than before, the band has recorded 9 songs with chris Owens (who has recorded the mighty Moirai, Lords, and Three Nails For A False Prophet), is planning many weekend excursions and planning many new releases. Having played with many bands, and in many places, Redhanded intends on using its collective experience to push forth new ideas and heartfelt music all while having fun making new friends.

Could we sound anymore like fuckin' douchbags? Man, this bio shit sucks.

Recorded with Captain Owens at the helm. These songs are UNmixed, and therefore UNmastered. Look for mixed, mastered version w/ added percussion and more songs soon. Thanks to you buying this, we can keep on keepin' on with our coke habits! - One Last Caress - Thanks to Ukiah, ella, Jared, Josh, Libby, and mother fucking Wizard Steve for backups. Screw the rest of you loosers that didn't show up to help. Your breath smells bad anyway. Yeah, YOU.

this CD designed by Bryan V. at Typocracy. This one's for Sam. Fuck lazy bums.